Cover Characteristic #1

The final book meme for this week is inspired by Sugar and Snark.

 post a characteristic and choose 5 of our favorite cover’s with that characteristic
 This week has been really fun to make! If I had the time, I'd love to make posts like this everyday. Maybe when I'm less busy I will. I haven't decided if I'll adapt any of these memes as regular features, but let me know in the comments if you had a favourite! Check out my poll (in the siderbar, to the right side of this post) and vote for your favourites!

The theme I'm picking is: Ball Gowns (or pretty outfits you'd like to wear!)

At number 5: Matched


The green dress seems absolutely gorgeous to wear at your match-making ball. Nothing much else to say; green isn't my colour, and there's a reason it isn't #1.

Number 4: These Broken Stars


Lilac's the most spoilt princess in the galaxy, with a stunning dress that immediately takes the breath out of Tarver, super spunky soldier who happens to loathe this heiress. With a powerful swirl, I could defend any moody boys.

Number 3: The One


I know, I know; it's a wedding dress. But look how frilly and flowery it is. I want that, for just a Tuesday afternoon. I'd feel like a beautiful swan who deserves to have two cute teen boys fight over your love. This was such a great ending to a trilogy (before Cass ruined it with two other unnecessary instalments), I really would feel like 'the one' to win the prince's heart.

Number 2: Sweet Evil 


This one's a no brainer. Have you guys EVER seen me rave about these books? I'm certainly not thin enough to look as elegant as Anna, but damn, I would feel like I could attract any half-demons with a twirl of that mermaid's tail design.

... and finally, number 1: Torment


My inner goth princess yearns for a gown like this. Why can't I strut around in black corsets with lacy skirts that flitter the floor as I sob my angel-cursed tears? My massively regrown roots in my black hair would match Luc's terrible blonde dye job easily too; it's meant to be. Maybe I'll find something like this for the formal? One can dream.

I hope you've enjoyed this week of Book Memes! I certainly did. Please be sure to answer the poll and to share a link to my blog. I'm thinking of hosting a give-away soon. 

Many more reviews to come,

the other one.


  1. The covers look gorgeous! All these books have been in my TBR list for a long time! Should read them soon :)



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